Did I really wish for hot weather and summer in my last post??!!  Wooh girl, watch out what you wish for, it might come true in a mighty way!! The temps here have reached 100-plus and high humidity too! Too hot for me and especially for my dog-jack. I really would just like a little hot weather 89-90 would be fine, but not this drying out killing flowers weather. It is so bad that my hostas took a beating, I’ve had to cut them down with the lillies they just looked awful!  So goodby see ya next year.                                                                   

My daughter and I went to a Paula Dean show at the Delaware State Fair grounds, I really wanted to see what she looked like in person, well if I paid $100.00 per person to meet and great maybe I would know what she looks like up close, but the cheap-skate that I am; I bowed out. I was contented to just watch her on stage, and she gave a great show, not much cooking but alot of gabbing on her part. It was hot, she was hot everybody was hot, I pitied the people on track seats they were crammed together like sardines, talk about smelling the other person’s “perfume”??!!! LOL!!

I entered the competions this year and the things that I thought were not up to par actually won?? Figure that out! The applesauce cake I entered I was not happy with, I though it had fallen and just wasn’t what I usually make; so I made another one and after looking at the 2nd one, I realized that I had forgotten the sugar!! Aha a diabetic cake!!  Nooo no for the fair-so I entered the first one~~ and lo and behold it won a blue ribbon!!!  My My My….. The blackberry jam and cider jelly didn’t do what I though they should have, I guess the judges tastes are different from mine. But I’m satisfied that I tried.

Now this week I am off work and hopefully will go to the fair Monday and Thursday, I really enjoy walking around and seeing the exhibits. We are really fortunate that a State Fair is close enough that we can go several times. The real trick to beating the heat is to go first thing in the morning~~ you can get up front parking or wait until the sun goes down when it is cooler.

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